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Behavioural abnormality in kids

Behavioural abnormality in kids cannot be measured. In one of the colouring events, I accompanied my kids, I was mesmerised with the colourful imagination of people. One young girl was painting the complexities of the brain so minutely that my attention was completely drawn towards her painting. Suddenly something crossed my eyes. Before I could understand what interrupted my undiverted attention, one of the guardians started scolding a child while a woman was repeatedly sorry for the behaviour of her kid. Out of curiosity, I peeped into the conversation. A boy of 8 yrs threw a painting brush on a toddler which hit him on his forehead. Due to the intervention of other parents, the matter was wrapped up quickly and the event resumed its character. But the mother of the boy was so upset that she left the place with her child in haste. I was closely watching the behaviour of mother and boy. As the event progressed nobody cared about that soon forgotten incident but being a parent and student of psychology the incident boggled my mind. I kept on thinking why did the boy act in such a manner? Could he be stopped? Was that behaviour abnormal?

What is abnormal behaviour?|Behavioural abnormality in kids

A behaviour that is socially and culturally unacceptable.

Behavioural abnormality in kids | Flykiddz

Behavioural abnormality in kids

Diagnosing behavioural problems in preschoolers:

It is difficult for toddlers to manage emotions. But if these emotions become unmanageable and minor things bother them a lot, therapy is required. It is normal for preschoolers to misbehave from time to time because they are still learning to communicate their feelings. But if this misbehaviour converts to never adhering to elders, therapy is a must. Discipline is not the subject for toddlers but to always remain indisciplined cannot be ignored.

Techniques to improve behavioural problems in preschoolers:

Step 1- To observe why the child is upset, what is the reason for throwing things, hitting, screaming.

Step 2- Getting closer to the child and ask him/her the reason for temper. Many times he/she would be able to communicate the reason.

Step 3- This approach would help in three ways:

  • the child would feel that he has been heard
  • the child would gradually learn how to communicate
  • you would be able to understand the true emotions of a child to help him/her guide appropriately
Step 4- To treat temper tantrums:

to see that the same reason does not repeat

to teach a child what he/she has to do in such a situation

to make him/her follow rules of discipline and reward or praise him /her accordingly.

to see if a child is eating well because many paediatrics recommend that adequate intake of mineral, vitamins and fluids in the body can improve the child's behaviour. Deficiency may lead to irritation and poor health.

time-out: This is another parenting tool where you can initiate disciplinary action by preventing the child to use his toys and other favourite things and moving him/her to an area away from the stimulating area. This technique should be implemented only when the child has stopped screaming or throwing.

ignoring: Sometimes ignoring a child's mild misbehaviour, which might be to seek attention, can also help him/her to deal with his emotions.

bargaining: I use this tip often. You can bargain for good behaviour by promising to play with them or make their favourite sketch or go out with them to their favourite place etc.

Diagnosing behavioural problems in school going kids:

Experiential learning is a way to learn for school going kids. As trial and error is a new form of learning, they might have to deal with failures or frustration in various activities.

Techniques to improve behavioural problems in school going kids:

  • Children must be heard patiently.
  • Building a healthy, positive relationship with kids is a must in this phase. This strong bond will ensure that they confide their fears, success and failures alike and look up to parents as mentors to help in decision making.
  • Ask open-ended questions to unearth their mind and heart.
  • Logical answers should be given for their inquisitiveness.
  • They should be assigned responsibilities and appreciated for good work. However, when they face challenges and misbehave disciplinary action needs to be taken. Simultaneously they must be taught to manage their emotions.
  • Time-out and ignorance for mild misbehaviour are positive parenting tools to be applied with caution.
This is the stage of exploration, opportunities, development of social skills, disagreements with a peer group, indecisiveness. Hence lots of guidance and attention is required so that they can cope with anxiety and choose the right path.

Diagnosing behavioural problems in teens:

Teens are ready to put their foot in your shoe. Minor rebellion and mood swings are common in this phase of life. They think themselves as adults and try to lead a life in their own way with minimal interference. Their actions and temperament must be observed carefully. The abnormality is when:
  • unable to cope with temper tantrums
  • often show aggression
  • does not respond to discipline or repeatedly misbehave without caring for consequences
  • talk of suicide or self-injury
  • getting more complaints from school
  • unable to maintain healthy relationships with peers
  • indicate inappropriate sexual behaviour 

Techniques to improve behavioural problems in teens:

  • Be their friend and openly discuss any issue with them so that kids can gain a full insight into the subject before jumping to any conclusion.
  • You can encourage them to be self-aware so that they can handle situations in a better way.
  • Parents cannot implement disciplinary rules forcefully in teens but correct them by role-playing behaviour games,story-telling, showing them plays, documentaries that can assist them to get back on the right track.


It is true that as and when the child grows up his true behaviour comes to light. Staying positive, patience, persistent efforts and good parenting techniques are effective ways to deal with a behavioural abnormality in kids. If the child's behaviour becomes unmanageable, professionals like a paediatrician, child psychologist must be approached. Usually, a combination of approaches are followed like:

  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication
  • Family therapy
       If you have any tips to help kids with behavioural abnormality post your
suggestions in the comment section. Remember what we can do little is stand by those parents who are facing challenges with their kids.


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